Friday, April 10, 2009

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Potemkin satellite á la North Korea - "470 MHz is Kimless"

So now also via YouTube: With slogans sustained fire try the North Korean leadership, supported by some incorrigible in this country, the public have to convince them that last Sunday (5.4.) successfully completed a Satellite called shot "Kwangmyongsong-2" into orbit. Send This now patriotic paeans to the "great Kim Jong Il" from orbit to 470 MHz .

KCTV (DPRKorea Launch of Satellite-2 Kwangmyongsong

DPRK's Successful Launch of Satellite-Kwangmyongsong 2

Kim Jong Il Observer Launch of Satellite-2 Kwangmyongsong

now unmasked scientists, space experts and the International Telecommunication Union ITU, the North Korean allegations as falsehoods: First, could the rocket at a land-route may have reached 1300 miles of and a flight time of 18 minutes not a sufficient altitude, a satellite successfully auszusetzten *, they say (see also ).

Second, contrary to the International Telecommunication Union ITU , the international agency for the allocation of satellite frequencies, elements of North Korea. In an interview with Radio Free Asia on Tuesday, said spokesman Sanjay Acharya, ITU, ITU subject no information about such satellites (see also ).

Meanwhile, work continues, the North Korean propaganda machine. Even alleged "recordings" of the satellite (朝鲜 大合唱 "Song of General Kim Jong Il") are presented on YouTube ( ).

However, it has succeeded to date any radio amateur or DXer , Kim's music box to receive from space. Kim Andrew Elliott . "No one in the satellite or radio enthusiast communities is reporting that they are hearing the songs of the Kim's I've tuned my own scanner to 470 MHz, with an antenna on my roof cut for 144 and 450 MHz, so I would have a fair chance of hearing it if it were actually transmitting. So far, 470 MHz is Kimless . "

* By comparison, a Russian rocket in mid-March 2009, has Esa satellites "Goce" shot in his orbit. 90 minutes after the last stage of the "Rockot" rocket had been fired, the satellite reached its planned orbit at 260 kilometers altitude. According to North Korea to the elliptical orbit at an altitude of Kwangmyongsong-2 490-1426've kilometers.


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