Friday, December 31, 2010

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Ich wünsche euch ein frohes, neues Jahr und einen guten Rutsch. Und denkt bitte dran:

you eat, you're fat. you don't eat, you're a freak. you drink, you're an alcoholic. you don't drink, you're a pussy. you read, you're a nerd. you don't read, you're stupid. you tell a secret, you're an attention seeker. you don't tell a secret, you're still attention seeking. you let someone in, you're easy. you don't let somebody in, you're too upright. you smoke, you think you're cool. you don't smoke, you're a loser. you've had sex, you're a slut. you haven't had sex, you're a frigid little bitch. you wear make up, you're a slag. you don't wear make up, you're ugly. you can not please anyone. ever.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Community Service Hours Form Fake

many things I'd like to buy too many thoughts

Soso, I've finally ordered the glasses that I have wanted for a long, long time! I just love her so much and pray that she is now there. Please, please, please!


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.. and he is mine!


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by Getty Images

On 20 . January is the great Hugo-Show at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Berlin to see. Presented is the autumn / winter collection 2011/2012.
But something is missing: Five reporters are looking to subsequently report on the show. And definitely one of them should I be. Why? I explain it.

My greatest love is fashion. This is perfect because I have the opportunity to report on a wonderful fashion show. And it is not just any fashion show, no, but Hugo and I have to admit, I love Hugo. Thus, a stylish brand, whose clothes I look again and again. And it is about the fall and winter - perfect, because these are the seasons in which I am technically clothes always at a loss. I do not know what total fashionable and warm at the same time, so I always cold.

photography is totally me, I take pictures since I was small, and in time it became an integral part of my life. I collect more and more theoretical and practical experience in this area, I own many cameras, in short: I see my cameras now as my children.

I am a very open and talkative man, people like to go on and I'm very curious. Ideal for interviews and general conversations with all these people there. I can speak fluent English, was also raised quite a few times whether I would have English roots or there would be little more often.

also I write very like what one might look at my blog. My report would otherwise be informative and detailed as something, well understood and still a bit of own writing style.

I just love it, at events or simply to actions to be there to experience everything to fulfill all, with all their senses to record something and then to put into words and trying in a way that the reader thinks he would be right in the middle and a Art developed sense of longing. Yes, I find so much as a word for everything, what defines it perfectly.

So, take a reliable, from the task of inspiring people - take me!


Monday, December 20, 2010

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A Merry Christmas ...

... we want all citizens and DEC-combatants in a Ingen-Do! The DEC makes a couple of days before Christmas when we can all recharge the batteries, and soon it will then forward again. Like to reserve before: On 2 February is again project consultation, and on 12 February Project Fair! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Office brings forward ideas for projects

Personal consultation in the project consultation in must Ingen

Several project sponsors took on Wednesday night despite the snow and ice, the opportunity to work with the supervising agency plan invent on their projects to and discuss details for completing to clarify the project profile. Almost 3 hours of the agency representatives sat in the restaurant window to the mountain and answered questions. In contrast to the large working group sessions, the Office the opportunity to focus and detail in person to clarify questions and projects targeted to continue on the path.

particularly pleasing: even new projects could be discussed. Especially the occupation of agricultural issues in the working group a few weeks ago came a little short, are an asset to the DEC.

If you missed the receptionist can look forward to the next opportunity: On Wednesday, 2 February, the staff of plane-invent in the restaurant courtyard Westphalian 18 clock to answer questions. Of course, questions about projects and ideas can also be made before: plan invent is by mail and by phone at any time, the contact information provided on these pages.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Project Office No. 1 tomorrow night!

Just one more reminder: The first project hours (more information, please see last post) for project groups, project sponsors and other interested parties will take place tomorrow Wednesday, 01 Dezember 2010, between 18 und 20 clock in the window of the restaurant mountain instead.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, November 15, 2010

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project hours: time and place for first event

The existing project ideas by project sponsors and project teams in the coming weeks, further developed and promoted, but also new ideas can always be addressed and discussed. As a service to such projects to discuss in person, we offer you an occasional series in the coming months called project hours. For this, we come to you for a few hours after a approaches-Do warm-up and offer a listening ear, tips and suggestions for the (further) refinement of project ideas. Just look past non-binding and talk to us about what moves you and interested. Like to be able to come and entire project teams.

The initial consultation of this kind will take place on Wednesday, 01 December between 18 und 20 clock in the restaurant windows to mountain . For those of you for this time is premature, we are happy even after 20 clock still there, ask in such cases, however, is a short prior agreement with us (email or call), so we can talk hours to coordinate a little bit and No one has to wait unnecessarily.

Friday, November 12, 2010

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Results of working groups and a preview of the course in DEK

After the successful launch in October now, a series of working group meetings ended, in which you, the citizens of A-Do Ingen, concrete have developed projects to make the vision for your village in the next 20 years to become reality.

In three working groups, while the projects for the DEK "A-Do Ingen 2030" developed or refined. What projects are created in this way can be found in the latest Project Overview (look for it too like in the "Projects" on this page).

We want to thank all the dedicated citizens and citizens who participated in the study group sessions, and already with their project groups were active!

Even those not so far when it was DEK can join at any time. In December and January consultation hours during a project, instead of having Ingen, which are open to everyone. Here, interested people have the opportunity to meet with the supervising agency plan invent their ideas for the future A-Müssingens discuss. In the spring of 2011, it will then be another major event: at a project fair, all presented by then developed project ideas to the public. Note this information and the range "dates" in this blog, where all upcoming events are listed in detail.

More information on the further progress in the DEK process we have summarized in this overview (pdf, 392 KB).

For more information about the consultations and the project fair follow also be available here in the blog.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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AK-round pass, information and summary soon

impressions from the sessions in an AK-Do Ingen
The working group round is over, the vision for One-Do Ingen 2030 in all subject areas are designated, many project ideas have been developed. For some projects, the project sponsors and groups have already started to play and organize first meeting to work out the project ideas and approaches on other projects are not yet pure ideas, which a concrete and missing especially in project cheater.

The information collected on the outcome of the Working Group Round and an outlook on what the coming weeks and Months coming, we hold here soon for you - on Friday in this regard, there is an update, including dates for consultations and project showcase.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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Working Group "(agricultural) economy, transport, tourism, landscape today

The third working group on a DEK-Do Ingen 2030 will take place today at 19:30 clock in the home building . The issues at stake here are agriculture, industry, transport, tourism and landscape. It discusses the objectives in these areas for 2030 and presented the status of existing projects. New ideas can also be presented and discussed.
duration of the event: Approx. 90 to 120 minutes.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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working group round starts today

Today Evening begins the new round of working groups in the DEK with meeting of the Working Group on village life, social issues, history and townscape ". To 19:30 each clock (r) interested in the home can house ideas and proposals for the future vision in this field of action to bring and promote already arisen and new project ideas. Marketing village, town and plan invent look forward to seeing you there!

The other two working groups will meet tomorrow, so on 3 November and next week on Tuesday, 9 November. More information under the menu item "Events" on the left.

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Blog goes online

The new blog for a DEK-Do Ingen 2030 takes off - minor errors and / or omissions, we apologize for the moment, we work diligently in the preparation of this blog. For questions, additions or comments, please feel free to contact us! How to reach us is, on the left menu under contact.