Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Public Raquetball Court


by Getty Images

On 20 . January is the great Hugo-Show at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Berlin to see. Presented is the autumn / winter collection 2011/2012.
But something is missing: Five reporters are looking to subsequently report on the show. And definitely one of them should I be. Why? I explain it.

My greatest love is fashion. This is perfect because I have the opportunity to report on a wonderful fashion show. And it is not just any fashion show, no, but Hugo and I have to admit, I love Hugo. Thus, a stylish brand, whose clothes I look again and again. And it is about the fall and winter - perfect, because these are the seasons in which I am technically clothes always at a loss. I do not know what total fashionable and warm at the same time, so I always cold.

photography is totally me, I take pictures since I was small, and in time it became an integral part of my life. I collect more and more theoretical and practical experience in this area, I own many cameras, in short: I see my cameras now as my children.

I am a very open and talkative man, people like to go on and I'm very curious. Ideal for interviews and general conversations with all these people there. I can speak fluent English, was also raised quite a few times whether I would have English roots or there would be little more often.

also I write very like what one might look at my blog. My report would otherwise be informative and detailed as something, well understood and still a bit of own writing style.

I just love it, at events or simply to actions to be there to experience everything to fulfill all, with all their senses to record something and then to put into words and trying in a way that the reader thinks he would be right in the middle and a Art developed sense of longing. Yes, I find so much as a word for everything, what defines it perfectly.

So, take a reliable, from the task of inspiring people - take me!



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