Monday, February 28, 2011

My Furnace Flame Light

sound of life

'cause there's no fucking song that could do better than this


Average Hair Color Prices

The child needs a name ...- lottery-

The advantage to many sites is that it suddenly sooooo sooooo many parts at one time has finished. The Magic Ball jacket now hangs in the window at me "stick" these "nameless"

Knitted course back in my Dearest RVO technology, the beginning (passes) was some time (long-longer-longest * shame *) in the basket and so on when I was knitting and knitting fell further, I introduced the idea with the tails. Unfortunately not occurred to me is a fitting name to woman "Untitled" because I wanted to make a tutorial.
consumption 350g of a "mystery wool" (Test wool from lemon, but not yet available) to the GOBI but roughly equivalent. The same jacket I have now again on the needles from GOBI in purple, then it will then give the instructions, including a "long sleeves".

So, now you too!
I'll post to everyone here a comment and a well-sounding name left a guidance package for the short sleeve jacket in size. 38 raffle! For these I will then choose a name that I like, maybe also a completely different, but all of them in Lostopf that have a name idea. I'm curious.

The prize will be drawn on 03/14/2011, the winner will be named here on the blog (only with the blog name) and can then choose the color from the current GOBI colors.

So, now's go .....

Until recently Eure Melanie

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can I Buy Suv With My $5,000?

but so much noise ...

. .. like this morning, just over the 4 visitor to our balcony full of lead ... I was awakened not long, Abert you look forward to him some day about the dispute, the Magpies will be fully out of 4 ...

you can see it ...???

had a good breakfast today, no sun, so it is a lazy Sunday ...

you all greetings from the

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bakc Of White Cake Mix

now or never ...

... so we thought in the morning of glorious sunshine and Dinosaurs ...

first times that a little driving around, then off into the garden ...

a little, I had a bad feeling, because I was not there since November, only the cold, then do not feel like and appear as the sun began to, there was just something else again and it worked even more important ...

but today, when it started ...

we were pleasantly surprised, everything looked good, all right - the roses recognizes only a few times, but it can be seen more accurately in the first few weeks when they begin to set, because you realize how far down they are frozen .. . but everything else just saw the season and the weather of the last months of good ...

had to bend down low to keep the first curious plants in pictures, but you see it --- we go again ...

here are my current lean yield, but better than nothing ... so look out now, the first crocuses ...

here come the orange lilies ...

snowdrops are many since ...

and the pistons are the last corn, which are still there ... see if they still want the animals ...

looks like the tulip, right?

na please, it is yet!

a sunny weekend for you all, purely to see here ... from the

Friday, February 25, 2011

Brett Corrigan Webcam

Friday Filler

first really It would be nice to when the sun, as it seems today, would continue for days.
second first it's almost a big problem, it often seems ridiculous.
third last night we disappointed by our tenants below us, because he hears a lot of music too loud.
4th Spring is no longer far so away. There
5 I could never with my claustrophobia in tight spaces.
sixth I could only make a lot of healthy salads, if I had a cook.
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to on the traditional lazy Friday evening , tomorrow I have a little stroll planned and Sunday I would like to tinker , because it is raining, yes.

wishes you all a wonderful weekend

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wards Genetics Lab Answers

themes picture ...

... it reflects the extent and at times BELLA it the default image on the subject ...

's funny, they want to see VEGETABLE SPOON ... well great, is it always healthy and the weather and the crane unit rate, the reigning in the country as a clever invitation to live healthy ...

we eat a lot and like vegetables, there was of course carrots with a spoon, embedded in a sauté pan with Chinese cabbage, at hand ...

na say so and because of that we live unhealthy?

you all a healthy day and ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Husband Likes Nipples

The lilac scent ....; o)))

Once the jacket is now already 2 days to me to "stick" I did it yesterday in the store finally managed to sew the buttons ( they really liked me better with braces) and take photos.
Here the data:

RVO, freestyle knitting, about size. 38 (above the belly she would not go, should but they may not), the yoke 2 left / 1 right, they stung deeply, from the lower chest then left out a knit stitch. Consumption of about 350g Zauberwolle "Lilac fragrance" and two coconut buttons.
I'm surprised how beautiful and different the screened Zauberwolle above it is more mottled in the lower part is less, but it fits I think.
Went super fast course, I love the Raglantechnik, because all you need to sew together. How long are the knitted things sometimes and just wait again sewing, finds you so ...??
you I also think that in between "try" do that.
The next project is also on the verge of "Abnadelung" That's what happens when "woman" has so many construction sites.

Until recently Eure Melanie

Congratulation Message To My Brohter

na great to have all spring thoughts ...

... even here at Katinka comes to the impatience that you want to read to see the spring, and it is there on her blog from 1.3. start something, now what you should read for yourself ...

here to an excerpt from her text:

It's about pictures, stories, poems or other show about spring. Why do you wish

last spring?
What is especially nice in the spring for you?
Did you find somewhere to have it? What else do you
falls on a spring?

We want to attract him together ... ..

I will start the project on Mar 01, create an entry for the action in which all contributions can be entered. An extra list of participants is
not exist - it runs exactly like in the "nice moments in the fall and winter." If you want
can of course blogging multiple posts.

... I'm in and it?

with vorfrühlingshaften sincerely (but only in thought, out now -8 °!)

of the

Funny Rsvp Card Wording

again found something ...

where I like to participate ...

... a carpet of early spring bloomers ... you can here join in, read the rules, see the note in my sidebar, and, as I do, enjoy the many beautiful flowers, then when the rug was made ... first time have pictures are collected ...

there on the blog you can see the carpet of the 2010 ... the eye does so well ... fun but also ...

here for the first time my image as dots on the carpet ...

face it, I hope so, then this will do well there somewhere in the sea of flowers ...

Toy Guns Toy Store Perth

If the spring? An eventful weekend

already HERE!

The first spring color is "hatched" UNIQUE "Ines"
war .... because I really feel like spring, sun, flower scent .... * * seuftz, even if it's actually not so "my" colors.

Yesterday I then also the "second video" completed. There is a shop where everything revolves around the store. We will post the three of the everyday insanity, or as I think five hours into the wool business, Neuhigkeiten from the "business world", photos from the store will be there, especially, of course knitting.
Here's the link: schöööön

and I just noticed that Pea has posted already busy ....

There, now calls the galley. Until recently your

Monday, February 21, 2011

Gyms For Rent In San Antonio

Pickles time ...

there ... with me on the blog here ...



out ... it is very cold, at -6 ° straight I can not even laugh properly when I put the nose to the balcony railing rails, well then I think only I am at the North Pole - it feels as if 25 ° or even more ... the wind blows so cold that one very quickly indoors is ...

... in the garden is all numb ... you drive a small round in nature, then only gray, cold and icy wind ... so I just think no photo opportunities at the moment ... I say yes --- SOUR CUCUMBER TIME ...

... since so I have looked through my pictures and got stuck in the Snowy ... even in name, because, although they look beautiful, but the piercing gaze but also very cold affects ...

... well - and I give at least a few words here to me, I put the image of the beautiful animal with an ...

cuddles ... you in the ovens, fireplaces, or to the loved ones ... whatever, the important thing is you do it well and start the week, great, that you wish the

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is The Egg There 5 Days Before Period?

That was again not at all boring this weekend.
took place here on Friday to Mini-T overnight birthday party by the subsidiary child charged were 3 ladies at the tender age of 9-10.
was in the run course so things off, the schedule was calculated at attention, children to dance, pick up kids, shopping, and packages go away. Empty containers and packages in the car drives off Lord of colors, and 15 minutes later rings the postman brings me out of the trunk ---- Mr. Color Games! Yes
since wars happen, curve - carry snowdrift --- slip .... 2 tons in the ditch, so all by itself, well, something .... there was also a farmer friend with a tractor not help the car had to be lifted out of the ditch with a crane. Fortunately, neither Mr. nor color matches the car's on what, 10 cm, and both have done a headstand. Puuuuh ....* sweat *
Because of course everyone had to be made more acute new plans, the ladies one by one wobbled here, there was no food and drink available and the packets from the shop were in the trunk of the car, in this the workshop for inspection. So I was able to make the packages just before Saturday noon. Well that was exciting.

'm On Thursday afternoon I finally made pictures of the new "Ladenschätzchen" make:

Cute, small tapes with spring, now is the new shipment arrived, there they are still in white with black ornaments and a red button, and both models also join a Gift box.

buttons made of coconut, red, purple, dark blue, petrol, the latter two have not yet I photographed.

Huge single knobs cherry wood

coconut For the same cloth as the buttons are these clips. They are curved, like a small bowl, then actually fit through the thick skin. Each is different, just natural, just like the buttons, each one is different. I've bought 6 colors (black / red / berry / natural / green / blue), there are even more.

When I have time, I put everything on in the shop and make some pictures of the other stuff. It still gorgeous colored mother of pearl buttons and knobs really great in pastel colors that were last week came. The jacket of Mr.

color games for a long time "fiddling" with the zipper also been completed. But since just the living object, that the Pc, I will make the photos later.

So, now you all a great rest of Sunday.

Until recently Eure Melanie

Friday, February 18, 2011

Change Alabama Helmets

Alexander McQueen and i am tagging

Well, actually I love Alexander McQueen so much and so I ordered nice pants. They're violet in crayon, can't wait for them. But probably I have to wait until March 3rd. Well, I will report I guess.

By the way Marlene tagged me - so thank you, dear, you're far too kind!
There are rules for sure again.

  • Give thanks to the person who tagged you and link the blog in your post.
  • Reply to the question "What does fascinate you?".
  • Tag at least two persons and tell them that they were tagged.
  • Send the link of your reply to the person who tagged you. 

Well, there are so many fascinating things in your life that I don't know exactly which to choose. 
I think the most fascinating thing is to know that there is one person in your whole life who changes really everything, whose heart is beating just for you, whose kisses give you the power you need to master the daily routine. If he isn't around you, you can only barely breathe. He understands you, he loves everything you do and helps whenever he's able to. You can't face or imagine a life without him, without his reassuring near. When he isn't looking at you - just for one second - you feel stitches in your heart down to your left hand. In my case it is so. And it's very good.

I'm tagging  Elisa  and the loudmouth .
