Monday, February 14, 2011

Mount Scope Marlin 80

Project fair project a great success

A complete success, the project fair will be counted from last Saturday: In the packed hall of Westphalia, the Court in a recent project in a DEK-Do Ingen 2030 interested visitors presented.

Even Mayor Jochen Walter was informed about the projects in the DEK
On partitions presented the project godmothers and godfathers their ideas for the future of A-Do Ingen, which were just that, can be found on this list . Were no limits to creativity set: With posters, prints, photographs and computers, the project ideas were presented clearly. A joint tour with Mayor, City Planning Director and the press at the start of the event said all the projects in detail.

The sponsors presented their ideas in a tour
then had put the visitors time to come up with the project sponsors on the various ideas into the conversation to ask questions or make suggestions . A lively exchange took place by the end of the event by 17 clock for many projects could be won new supporters.

Sufficient space for conversation provided the project fair visitors
A big thank you to all project godmothers and godfathers who have designed their use and their preparation for this project is fair!

a press article on the project fair from the Westphalian news, please go here .

The Impressions of an image-Ingen-Do, as they were shown at the exhibition project, visit the popular demand here (note: large pdf file of 16.2 MB!).

The most recent project list with project sponsors / contact persons be downloaded and project team members can or in the "Downloads".


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