Sunday, February 13, 2011

Denise Austin Boot Camp How Many Calories

Finally back ....

a new (old) Special

* cottage garden *

long gabs this unique not because I lacked a color for it, now I have it repackaged, and for a week there is now a "cottage garden Special"
I like the color better so fast because they do not so much "bleached" look, sure is (hopefully) soon in the spring (farmers) garden.

Here now the first promised pictures of my "lilac scent Jacket"
Knitted RVO what looks here like patent is 2 left / 1 right (pin down), is from the chest then a right in between replaced by a left, so that the "ribs "width (that of the jacket, not mine: o))). The yarn Zauberwolle is "Lilac fragrance" , the yoke is now ready now enjoy a short trip down. Until now I have surprisingly still consumes less than 2 skeins, I think I'll only need 350-400g for the whole jacket, sleeves are not tuned.

The GOBI-jacket of Mr. Color games is sewn together, only the zip must be pure * scary * Maybe I can bring myself today to it is already whined, o)))

The supporters are now set in the shop.

Until recently
your Melanie


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