Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Congratulation Message To My Brohter

na great to have all spring thoughts ...

... even here at Katinka comes to the impatience that you want to read to see the spring, and it is there on her blog from 1.3. start something, now what you should read for yourself ...

here to an excerpt from her text:

It's about pictures, stories, poems or other show about spring. Why do you wish

last spring?
What is especially nice in the spring for you?
Did you find somewhere to have it? What else do you
falls on a spring?

We want to attract him together ... ..

I will start the project on Mar 01, create an entry for the action in which all contributions can be entered. An extra list of participants is
not exist - it runs exactly like in the "nice moments in the fall and winter." If you want
can of course blogging multiple posts.

... I'm in and it?

with vorfrühlingshaften sincerely (but only in thought, out now -8 °!)

of the


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